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Year Joined: 2014 | Membership: Associate Member

Towards implementation of a UHC policy.

Egypt’s new constitution has enshrined the universal right to health for every citizen and has set the means to that vision through the implementation of a universal social health insurance scheme.

Summary of UHC Journey

The Ministry of Health and Population is currently seeking through a constitutional mandate, political will and a dedicated committee for drafting a universal health insurance law scheme. Furthermore, the ministry is beginning to initiate the transformation phase towards full implementation of UHC.

Egypt aims to start a new social health insurance law (SHI) to cover the entire population, including subsidies for the poor, and to decrease the out-of-pocket expenditure of the Egyptian citizens.

Country Core Group Representatives

Mohsen George

Activity as a JLN Member

Egypt joined the JLN in 2014. Members of the Egyptian delegation have contributed to the Compendium: 12 country approaches to covering poor and informal populations to achieve UHC; Egypt: Approaches to covering poor, vulnerable, and informal populations to achieve UHC; and International Lessons for RAMED knowledge products.