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The Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN) is a global leader in practical knowledge of how to implement universal health coverage.

Browse our resource library to find a variety of knowledge products available as global public goods that can be adapted and implemented in different contexts.


Policy Brief: Revision of Health Benefits Packages

July 24, 2024

Policy Brief: Revision of Health Benefits Packages Universal Health Coverage (UHC) ensures access to essential health services without financial hardship. A core policy instrument to achieve UHC is a well-defined Health Benefits Package (HBP). HBPs outline covered services, cost-sharing arrangements, and eligible beneficiaries. They guide service delivery, resource allocation (human resources, provider payments, procurement, budgeting) […]


JLN Knowledge Products: Produced by Countries, for Countries

June 14, 2024

This KP brochure presents a list and brief of the JLN Knowledge products produced by countries for countries.


Improving Health Budget Execution: Learning from Country Experience

March 23, 2023

This learning brief presents key learnings from a review of the literature to identify examples of successful MOH efforts that have led to increased health budget execution, learning exchange meetings, and country-specific TA support.


Transforming PHC Delivery and Financing Through Primary Care Networks

March 23, 2023

This paper highlights the process for developing this learning community and some of the key learnings on how to successfully implement PCNs. Furthermore, it provides key recommendations for country policymakers, practitioners, and development partners based on lessons from the PHCPI COP.


Joint Learning on Strengthening Rehabilitation in Primary Health Care Virtual Roundtable Series Technical Report

March 1, 2023

This report provides a synthesis of the learning from a Virtual Roundtable Series on Integrating Rehabilitation into Primary Health Care.


Making Explicit Choices on the Path to UHC: Guide for Health Benefits Package Revision

December 13, 2022

The JLN Guide for Health Benefits Package Revision aims to support practitioners in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to revise their HBPs, while responding to changing disease burdens, fluctuating budgets, and the emergence of new services and health technologies, and to correct for implementation challenges.


Primary Health Care Financing and Payment Country Pairing Evaluation Report

September 30, 2022

In 2020, the PHC Financing and Payment collaborative pushed the boundaries of traditional webinar group-based learning and tested a more intimate and in-depth collaborative learning modality: country pairings. This modality pairs two or three countries with a specific interest in a topic – one that may not be a widely shared interest across the collaborative – to probe deeper into the implementation experience of a resource country and discuss details that are relevant to their countries. The JLN conducted a small developmental evaluation and the purpose was to capture and learn from how these pairings worked and to capture lessons learned from the country pairing approach. By documenting this new method, the JLN will be equipped with data-driven findings on this innovative approach to joint learning for modification, replication, or scale up in the future.


Evaluation Report: JLN Community of Practice on Scaling e-Consultations

September 30, 2022

Following the 2020 Joint Learning Network’s Learning Exchange on Patient Pathways and Pandemics: COVID-19 and Beyond, led by Aceso Global, a technical team was launched to focus on implementing and scaling up E-consultations at the primary health care (PHC) level. The CoP was designed to foster practical learning by accompanying implementation in an “implementer” country, Malaysia, which had previously launched an E-consultation initiative during the pandemic and wanted to improve and expand it further. Technical facilitators and country participants provided support and learnings. This mixed methods evaluation aimed to understand how real-time implementation within a technical team supported Malaysia’s preparation for and implementation of the E-consultation extension initiatives.