Transforming PHC Delivery And Financing Through Primary Care Networks

The Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN) is an innovative, country-driven network of practitioners and policymakers from around the globe who co-develop global knowledge products that help bridge the gap between theory and practice to extend health coverage to more than 3 billion people.

The Climate-Smart Health collaborative in-person meeting
(FEB -2024, Washington DC, USA)
Webinar: International Women's Day - 8th March 2023
Launch of Foundational Reforms collaborative in April 2024

About JLN

The Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN) is an innovative, country-driven network of practitioners and policymakers from around the globe who co-develop global knowledge products that help bridge the gap between theory and practice to extend health coverage to more than 3 billion people.

All of our activities are prioritized, shaped, led, and co-facilitated by JLN member countries. Using a unique joint learning approach – that includes a combination of multilateral workshops, country learning exchanges, and virtual dialogue – JLN members build on real experience to produce and experiment with new ideas and tools to implement universal health coverage.


Health Financing


Population Targeting & Equity

Network for Open Dialogue and Exchange icon

COVID-19 Network for Open Dialogue and Exchange

Technical Initiatives

The network’s country members set the learning agenda and identify universal health coverage priorities across five technical initiatives. Click on the icons above to learn more about the JLN’s technical initiatives


Provider Payment


Information Environment & Other Cross-Cutting


Service Delivery & Quality including Primary Health Care

Transforming PHC Delivery and
Financing Through Primary Care Networks

As countries work to improve access to and utilization of essential health services for their populations, many are undertaking health system transformations to prioritize and strengthen primary health care (PHC).