Transforming PHC Delivery and Financing Through Primary Care Networks

This learning brief highlights the process for developing this learning community and some of the key learnings on how to successfully implement PCNs. Furthermore, it provides key recommendations for country policymakers, practitioners, and development partners based on lessons from the PHCPI COP.

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Country Pairings: A new collaborative learning modality deepening engagement with country practitioners

In 2020, the JLN Primary Healthcare (PHC) Financing and Payment collaborative pushed the boundaries of traditional webinar group-based learning and tested a more intimate and in-depth collaborative learning modality: country pairings. This modality pairs two or three countries with a specific interest in a topic – one that may not be a widely shared interest across the collaborative – to probe deeper into the implementation experience of the resource country and discuss details that are relevant to their countries. In this blog, we highlight three country pairings and share overarching lessons implementing this modality.

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Health Earmarking in the Philippines

Health Earmarking in the Philippines

The Philippines started its path toward universal health coverage (UHC) in 1969 with the creation of an early Medicare health insurance scheme, where direct payments were made to accredited providers or to patients for reimbursement. After decades of implementation, more than half the population remained without health coverage, prompting the creation of the Philippines Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) in 1995—a parastatal entity tasked with managing delivery of a costed benefits package to all citizens through a mix of premiums, user fees, and government subsidies for the poor. PhilHealth has progressively expanded to cover a greater number of services for larger segments of the population, with Sin Taxes providing an avenue to drive expansion in fiscal space for health.

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Practitioner Perspectives: A JLN Blog Series

Practitioner Perspectives: A JLN Blog Series

There are many global resources, including datasets, visualizations, and various forms of analysis that can be used to help make the case for DRM for health. However, policymakers also need to know what policy options have or have not worked, under what conditions, and the key drivers for success. Additionally, a deeper understanding of whether efforts around DRM for health were enduring, consequential, and additional over time- as well as impacts on equity, efficiency, and access- is critical to determining whether they are worth pursuing.

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