Year Joined: 2014 | Membership: Full Member
Building frameworks to improve health
During the past fifteen years, the Federal Ministry of Health has developed a framework for improving health for all, including maternal and neonatal health. This has led progress to increase the number of health care facilities in Ethiopia and greater decentralization of the health system.
Summary of UHC Journey
Ethiopia’s Health Care and Financing Reform Strategy was launched under the guiding principles that health services would be offered on a cost-sharing basis between the receiver of services (patient) and provider of services (government), with user fees retained by health facilities and used to improve the quality and quantity of services.
In addition, fee waivers have been used to reduce financial barriers for the poor and exemptions exist to encourage the consumption of particular kinds of preventive or public health services.
Two health insurance schemes, Social Health Insurance (SHI) and Community Based Health Insurance (CBHI), are being implemented to extend population coverage. SHI will cover employees in the formal sector, and CBHI will cover the rural population and the informal sector in urban areas.

Mideksa Adugna
Resource Mobilization Acting Director; Ministry of Health.
Ethiopia joined the JLN in 2014 and became a Full Member in 2017. Members of the Ethiopian delegation contributed to the Governing to Improve Quality Toolkit and a workshop on Equity in Universal Health Coverage: How to Reach the Poorest.
In 2018, representatives from Ethiopia participated in the Leveraging Resources for Efficiency, Fiscal Policy for Public Health, Leveraging Resources for Efficiency, and Domestic Resource Mobilization collaboratives.