Year Joined: 2014 | Membership: Associate Member
Achieving universal health coverage.
Japan achieved universal health coverage in 1961, and the country’s investment in health has laid the foundation for sustained economic development, social stability, and the creation of a healthy middle class, which are key ingredients for sustained economic growth.
Summary of UHC Journey
Japan’s two major government-sponsored health insurance schemes include the National Health Insurance Scheme and Employees Health Insurance. The following points highlight some salient lessons from Japan’s experience:
- Subsidies from the General Budget and fiscal transfers across programs to harmonize benefits and copayment rates across the different health insurance programs
- Single payment system which sets prices and defines the benefits and conditions for reimbursement
- Integration of public and private sector under single payer
- Strong public health component
Country Core Group Representatives

Maki Ozawa
Activity as a JLN Member
Japan joined the JLN in 2014.