Year Joined: 2014 | Membership: Associate Member
Mandatory health Insurance.
Moldova introduced of a system of mandatory health insurance in 2004, characterized by the introduction of a new payroll tax for health, and the creation of a single national pool of funds managed by the National Health Insurance Company.
TThe National Health Insurance Company (NHIC) together with the WHO Country Regional Office in the Republic of Moldova are now implementing the CNAM Institutional Development Strategy 2014 – 2018. All subjects set out in the Strategy contain goals and actions that have an impact on increasing coverage with Mandatory Health Insurance (MHI):
- Protect the rights of insured persons
- Maintain and improve the access to and quality of health care services
- Ensure sustainability of funds and increase population coverage with MHI
- NHIC’s efficiency – a qualitative management of services and organization
- Increase in the quality of medical services offered and identify evidence-based clinical protocols for quality management of medical services.
In Moldova, major reforms have consisted of fundamental changes in health financing with the introduction of a system of mandatory health insurance (MHI) in 2004, characterized by the introduction of a new payroll tax for health, and the creation of a single national pool of funds managed by the National Health Insurance Company
Moldova joined the JLN in 2014. Delegates from Moldova contributed to the Financing and Payment Models for Primary Health Care: Six Lessons from JLN Country Experience and JLN IT Initiative at AeHIN Conference in Bali knowledge products.