Our Team
The Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN) is a diverse, global community of practitioners and policymakers dedicated to the vision of health for all.
Our country-led and country-driven approach succeeds as the result of highly engaged members and partners.
The JLN Steering Group ensures the network remains country-led and country-driven by setting the strategic direction and reflecting country member priorities in the network’s learning activities.

Ebrahim Al Nawakhtha
Steering Group Convener; Secretary General, Supreme Council of Health, Bahrain

Vivian Addo-Cobbiah
Former, Deputy Chief Executive, Operations, National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), Ghana

Dinash Aravind
Steering Group Co-Convener
Senior Principal Assistant Director, National Health Financing, Planning Division; Ministry of Health, Malaysia

Prof. Ali Ghufron Mukti
President Director of Social Security Administering Body for Health, Indonesia

Dr. Muluken Argaw
Strategic Affairs Executive Officer at the Ministry of Health Ethiopia

Atty. Eli Dino P. Santos
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of PhilHealth, Philippines

Nguyen Khanh Phuong
Director, Health Strategy & Policy Institute, Ministry of Health, Vietnam

Dr. Samson Kuhora
Head, Benefits Design and Claims Management, at the National Health Insurance Fund, Kenya
Dr. Muluken Argaw,
Strategic Affairs Executive Officer at the Ministry of Health Ethiopia

Uzoma Nwankwo
Country Lead, Health Financing, Equity and Investment, Nigeria

Somil Nagpal
Lead Health Specialist, The World Bank

Dr. Rahul Reddy
Executive Director, Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN), Amref Health Africa

Ethan Wong
Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Country Core Group Leads
Every full member country of the JLN organizes a Country Core Group (CCG) as a governing body for its participation in the network. CCGs bring together leaders from key government institutions and development partners working on universal health coverage reforms to define their country’s priorities and ensure that learning is shared and applied within the country.

Abdallah Sid Ahmed Osman Elhag
Public Health Institute Director; Ministry of Health, Sudan

Adolfo Martinez Valle
Steering Group Co-Convener; Director General, Performance Evaluation, Ministry of Health, Mexico

Ali Ghufron Mukti
Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Indonesia

Dr. Bocar Daff
Directeur Général, l’Agence de la Couverture Maladie Universelle, Senegal

Dr Rozita Halina binti Tun Hussein
Director, Planning Division; Ministry of Health, Malaysia

Dr. Nneka Orji
Senior Health Economist; Department of Health Planning Research and Statistics, Ministry of Health, Nigeria

Dr. Sissi Odile Dakouo Kone
Director of Social Action Division; National Directorate of Protection and Social Solidarity, Ministry of Health, Mali

Dr. Isabel Maina
Ag. Director, Health Financing, Ministry of Health Kenya

Alok Saxena
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India

Dr. Israel Pargas
Senior Vice President, Health Finance Policy Sector, PhilHealth, Philippines

Dr. Zakir Hussain
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh

Soonman Kwon
Professor, School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Korea

Dr. Lydia Dsane-Selby
Steering Group Co-Convener; Acting Chief Executive, National Health Insurance Scheme, Ghana

Dr. Muluken Argaw
Strategic Affairs Executive Officer at the Ministry of Health Ethiopia

Dr. Phuong Nguyen Khanh
Head of Health Economics Department; Health Strategy and Policy Institute, Vietnam

Roland Yarsieh Kesselly
Director of Health Financing; Ministry of Health, Liberia

Tumurtogoo Dorjgochoo
Network Manager
The Network Manager was formed in 2018 to administer the JLN’s day-to-day operations on behalf of the Steering Group and country members. Currently, Amref Health Africa serves as the JLN Network Manager.

Dr. Rahul Reddy
Executive Director; Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN), Amref Health Africa.

Dr. James Soki
Programme Manager; JLN Amref Health Africa

Dr. Isha Sharma
Programme Officer (Technical Initiative and Country Engagement); JLN Amref Health Africa

Dr. Donnelly Mwachi
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Knowledge Management Manager, JLN Amref Health Africa

Jane Nyambura
Programme Officer, Support Functions, JLN Amref Health Africa

Titus Kisangau
Communications Officer; JLN Amref Health Africa
Technical Facilitators
Technical facilitators lead the network’s joint learning activities by working with member country practitioners to systematically harvest country experiences and to help countries co-create practical knowledge and solutions that countries can adapt to advance their universal health coverage reforms.

Aditi Nigam
Health Financing Specialist, World Bank; Domestic Resource Mobilization collaborative

Agnes Munyua
Senior Program Officer, Results for Development; Provider-Payment Mechanisms initiative

Ajay Tandon
Senior Economist, World Bank; Health Finance initiative

Allyson English
Senior Program Associate, Results for Development; Provider-Payment Mechanisms initiative

Amanda Glassman
Executive Vice President, Center for Global Development; Health Finance initiative

Anna Shaw
Communications Associate, Center of Digital Excellence; Information Environment and Other Cross-cutting initiative

Asaf Bitton
Executive Director, Ariadne Labs; Service Delivery and Quality including PHC initiative

Caren Althauser
Independent Consultant; Information Environment and Other Cross-cutting initiative

Cheryl Cashin
Managing Director, Results for Development; Provider-Payment Mechanisms initiative

Danielle Bloom
Senior Health Financing Specialist, World Bank; Health Finance initiative

Hannah Ratcliffe
Research Specialist, Ariadne Labs; Service Delivery and Quality including PHC initiative

Henok Yemane
Program Manager, Results for Development; Provider-Payment Mechanisms initiative

Jeanna Holtz
Health Financing Director, SHOPS Plus; Private Sector Engagement exchange

Jerry La Forgia
Chief Technical Officer and Founding Director, Aceso Global; Population Targeting initiative

Dr. Kalipso Chalkidou
Director of Global Health Policy and Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development; Health Finance initiative

Kamaliah Noh
Associate Professor, Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences, Malaysia; Provider-Payment Mechanisms initiative

Lauren Oliveira Hashiguchi
Health Systems Researcher, World Bank; Efficiency and Domestic Resource Mobilization collaboratives

Lisa Hirschhorn
Director; Implementation and Improvement Science Platform, Northwestern University; Service Delivery and Quality initiative

Lydia Ndebele
Knowledge Management Analyst, World Bank; Health Finance initiative

Maria Eugenia Bonilla Chacin
Lead Economist, World Bank

Naina Ahluwalia
Consultant, World Bank; Efficiency collaborative

Ndiangui Joseph Githinji
Health Management Consultant

Rachel Rosen DeLong
Associate, Health Finance and Economics, Abt Associates; Private Sector Engagement exchange

Reem Hafez
Senior Economist, World Bank; Health Finance initiative

Somil Nagpal
Senior Health Specialist, World Bank; Health Finance initiative

Trudy Bearden
Senior Consultant, Qualis Health; Person-Centered Integrated Care initiative

Y-Ling Chi
Professor, Imperial College; Health Finance initiative
The JLN is supported by a diverse group partners who serve as technical facilitators and provide financial support for learning activities.

Qualis Health USA

Abt Associates

ACCESS Health International

Aceso Global

Ariadne Labs

Center for Global Development

Harmonization for Health in Africa

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

International Decision Support Initiative

Japan International Cooperation Agency

Management Sciences for Health

NICE International



Results for Development Institute