News & Events

NEWS February 8, 2022

Designing Primary Health Care Network Service Delivery Models in Makueni County, Kenya to Increase Access to Primary Health Care

JLN Network Manager

Strong primary health care (PHC) can speed up a country’s journey towards universal health coverage (UHC) rapidly, effectively, and efficiently. The current COVID-19 pandemic has shown that all countries, particularly the lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs), need to deliver comprehensive PHC services in alignment with countries’ needs, whether maternal and child health services, infectious diseases […]

NEWS February 1, 2022

Pivoting COVID-19 innovations to UHC: Is 2022 a year digital health moves up a gear?

JLN Network Manager

This blog provides the first of a series of three perspectives from the Patient Pathways and Pandemics Community of Practice on the ‘NCD Care’ app with PharmAccess in Ghana.


A world of possibilities: How should digital health companies partner with healthcare payers to support scale-up?

JLN Network Manager

This blog provides the third of a series of three perspectives from the Patient Pathways and Pandemics Community of Practice on the ‘NCD Care’ app with PharmAccess in Ghana.


Could digital platforms enhance clinicians’ health coaching skills? Reflections on technology-powered NCD services following the COVID-19 pandemic

JLN Network Manager

This blog provides the second of a series of three perspectives from the Patient Pathways and Pandemics Community of Practice on the ‘NCD Care’ app with PharmAccess in Ghana.


National Coordination of Pandemic Responses Collaborative Learning Event

JLN Network Manager

The current COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be devastating for health systems globally. To slow the spread of the virus and to reduce its toll, country leaders must manage strong systems-focused, multi-sectoral coordination, planning, and monitoring. To support countries, Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN) and the Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator (Accelerator) facilitated a year-long learning collaborative to help country leaders learn from each other on various topics, including how to create and manage the cross-sectoral teams to mount a coordinated response to the pandemic, developing pandemic/epidemic preparedness and response strategies, and strengthening coordination across sectors and across different levels of government to ensure a prompt and effective response.