News & Events

NEWS July 9, 2024

Digital Health Collaborative First Authors’ Workshop

JLN Network Manager

The Digital Health Collaborative had its first Authors’ Workshop in Washington, D.C. from June 3-6, 2024. The workshop was attended by representatives from Collaborative member countries and special guests from digital health regional networks and organizations namely: RECAINSA, AeHIN, Africa CDC and HELINA. Representatives from Cambodia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, and Tajikistan […]


JLN Showcase – Sidelines of 77 World Health Assembly, Geneva

JLN Network Manager

South-South Collaboration: Harnessing Cross-Country Learning for Sustainable Health Policy Reforms, 27th May 2024 at the International Geneva, Welcome Centre On May 27th, the Joint Learning Network (JLN) took centre stage at a special showcase held on the sidelines of the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva. Jointly hosted by JLN, UHC Delivery Lab and Amref […]

NEWS June 26, 2024

Knowledge Products (KP) Showcase Series 2

JLN Network Manager

We are delighted to announce the JLN Knowledge Product (KP) Showcase Series to provide greater exposure to JLN’s recently concluded and ongoing work. The KP Showcase Series aligns with the interest of JLN Country Core Groups, providing an…

NEWS January 4, 2024

Digital Health Collaborative Launch

JLN Network Manager

Participants during the in-person convening and launch of the Digital Health Collaborative in Jakarta, Indonesia The JLN’s new Digital Health Collaborative held its first in-person convening in Jakarta, Indonesia, from November 8  through 10, 2023. Member countries of the Digital Health Collaborative are Bahrain, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, […]

NEWS March 30, 2023

Sustainable Health Financing for Primary Health Care: From Evidence to Practice Event

JLN Network Manager

An aim of the Reimagining PHC Collaborative is to bring practical and innovative approaches financing primary health care. This event is the first step in the process and aims to build a collective understanding of what constitutes health financing, the various pillars of health financing, and their interconnectedness. The session will be an entry point for ongoing conversations innovating in health financing for PHC, and the different approaches and applications of reforms. At this event, we will reflect on the key findings of the Lancet Commission with lead author, Professor Kara Hanson of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Ajay Tandon, Lead Economist at the World Bank, will offer further perspective on the Commission’s implications, followed by reflections from Erno Harzheim, former Vice-Minister for PHC, Ministry of Health Brazil. Finally, the event will feature a vibrant panel discussion with our speakers and country policymakers: Dr Davis Johnraj, Senior Officer in the National Health Financing Section of the Planning Division in Ministry of Health Malaysia, Dr Peter Yeboah, Executive Director of Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG) and CHAG’s Deputy Executive Director, Dr James Duah.

NEWS February 1, 2022

National Coordination of Pandemic Responses Collaborative Learning Event

JLN Network Manager

The current COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be devastating for health systems globally. To slow the spread of the virus and to reduce its toll, country leaders must manage strong systems-focused, multi-sectoral coordination, planning, and monitoring. To support countries, Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN) and the Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator (Accelerator) facilitated a year-long learning collaborative to help country leaders learn from each other on various topics, including how to create and manage the cross-sectoral teams to mount a coordinated response to the pandemic, developing pandemic/epidemic preparedness and response strategies, and strengthening coordination across sectors and across different levels of government to ensure a prompt and effective response.