News & Events

NEWS January 4, 2024

JLN: At the Forefront of UHC in the Post-Pandemic Era

JLN Network Manager

Rahul S Reddy Kadarpeta and Mahlet Gizaw As we transition into 2024, Universal Health Coverage (UHC) stands as a formidable force in global health, catalyzing substantial progress toward the overarching goal of health for all, with an unwavering commitment to inclusivity. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the importance of building robust and resilient health systems […]

NEWS September 29, 2023

Transforming Primary Health Care: Showcasing Examples of Primary Care Networks

JLN Network Manager

Authors:  Mahlet Gizaw, Amanda Folsom, Luis Gabriel Bernal Pulido   Additional contributions to this blog were made by Alberta Adjebeng Biritwum-Nyarko, Linda A. Vanotoo, Martin Lutalo, and Marelize Gorgens.   As countries work to achieve universal health coverage by improving access to and utilization of essential health services for their populations, many are undertaking health system transformations […]

NEWS March 1, 2023

Can rehabilitation be integrated into primary health care?

JLN Network Manager

Through funding from the Leahy War Victims Fund (LWVF) and partnership with USAID’s Inclusive Development Hub, the Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator (Accelerator) partnered with the Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN) to facilitate a peer-learning virtual roundtable series on rehabilitation in PHC.
Between November 2022 and January 2023, a total of 53 participants from ministries of health, service delivery settings, non-governmental organizations, and universities in 18 countries came together to share their experiences integrating rehabilitation in health systems and PHC, and to co-develop a cross-country learning agenda.


Making explicit choices on the path to UHC – the JLN Health Benefits Package Revision Guide

JLN Network Manager

After 3 years of co-production work practitioners and policy makers from 14 JLN countries commemorate UHC Day bringing to you a brand-new knowledge product on Revision of Health Benefits Packages. To join this event RSVP to [email protected].

NEWS December 21, 2022

Strengthening PHC – Lessons from Kenya’s MakueniCare

JLN Network Manager

In 2016, the Joint Learning Network for UHC under the Primary Health Care (PHC) Technical Initiative brought together practitioners that formed the Health Benefits Policy (HBP) Collaborative. This collaborative consisted of experience sharing and compilation of practical advice among six low-and-middle-income countries: Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, and Vietnam. Each of them conducted an assessment […]

NEWS December 20, 2022

Dr. Rozita Halina on Financing Primary Health Care in Malaysia and Beyond

JLN Network Manager

Several JLN country members were present at the recent Asia & The Pacific Health Financing Forum (APHFF) to discuss “Financing Primary Health Care: Opportunities at the Boundaries.” Watch Dr. Rozita Halina, Director of Planning Division at Ministry of Health in Malaysia and long-time JLN champion, share her takeaways on next steps to finance primary health care and reach UHC not only in the region, but across the world.