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About JLN Membership

The Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN) creates connections and facilitates learning activities for policymakers and practitioners around the world who co-produce practical UHC knowledge products. While the network’s joint learning approach and co-production of practical knowledge are core to the JLN’s work, members enjoy additional benefits.

Help Shape the JLN’s Learning Agenda

The JLN is a neutral, global learning community that allows members to set the agenda based on priorities in their own countries. Members can drive the agenda in several ways:

  • Members can create and lead JLN discussion groups and work with JLN technical facilitators.
  • Within the Technical Initiatives, members influence the development of practical UHC knowledge products.
  • Members impact JLN governance by providing feedback on JLN strategy.
  • Members can submit success stories to highlight the successful, innovative work they are doing. The JLN helps to disseminate these stories through our global networks to raise the visibility of your work in the global community.
  • Members can host webinars, supported by the JLN, to share experiences and best practices with, or request feedback from, JLN members.

Unique Global, Practitioner-to-Practitioner Learning

Members experience the practical value of coming together with other practitioners and policymakers from more than 30 countries. The JLN community cultivates partnerships that benefit all parties by pooling members’ own expertise. By joining our global community, your organization will have a bigger impact on the global knowledge pool.

Professional Development Opportunities

JLN members have the opportunity to participate in virtual and in-person practitioner-to-practitioner learning activities, in networking events, to raise their visibility in the global community, and to gain exposure to new knowledge. Practitioners learn best practices that can be applied to their daily work to meet organizational objectives.

Global Recognition

JLN membership increases credibility with donors, funders, and other development partners. The JLN partners with a large network of partners to ensure that our members have access to new knowledge and training opportunities. In addition, we believe that our members’ voices should be heard in global discussions. As such, we offer our members the opportunity to participate in learning activities as experts and resources.

Download the Prospective Member Packet for more information, or contact the JLN Network Manager by emailing [email protected].

Levels of Membership

The Joint Learning Network is a vibrant network of practitioners and policymakers from around the globe that come together in multilateral workshops, collaboratives, and virtual dialogues to exchange experiences and test new ideas to advance country progress towards universal health coverage.

The network accepts new Associate Member Expressions of Interest on a rolling basis. Applications for membership are approved at the next JLN Steering Group meeting following submission.If you are interested in becoming a member of this dynamic community, kindly submit the following filled and duly signed documents to the JLN Network Manager by emailing at [email protected].


To know about the membership criteria and benefits, kindly refer to the JLN APPLICATION PACKET.
All the documents are available in ENGLISH, SPANISH,FRENCH, ARABIC and RUSSIAN as below.

Kindly contact [email protected] for any support or query related to JLN membership.


Full Membership

Full members have access to various sponsored learning activities. Associate members that demonstrate a strong commitment to the network can transition to full membership.


Full members will be expected to engage deeply with the JLN by attending events, contributing to discussions and the development JLN knowledge products, and hosting study tours. Full members are required to form a local Country Core Group to help manage cross-institutional engagement with the network at the local level. Full members are also eligible for representation on the JLN Steering Group, which makes decisions about membership, alignment of the network’s technical priorities, and the network’s future direction and funding. Full members selected as Steering Group members will be expected to attend Steering Group meetings and to provide feedback on issues as they arise.


  • Invitations to JLN Technical Initiative activities. Typically, funding is provided for 1-2 individuals per country for workshops and in-person activities.
  • Support from the JLN Network Manager to facilitate the development and optimization of Country Core Groups, in-country learning coordination, documentation of learning, and dissemination of knowledge.
  • Invitations to join member-only webinars and web-based moderated dialogues.
  • Representation on the JLN Steering Group.

Associate Membership

Associate members receive access to JLN activities.


Associate members are expected to actively participate in webinars, contribute to online discussions, and provide feedback on knowledge products as they are being developed. Associate members are also asked to provide individuals profiles and contribute a short country case study. In addition, associate members are encouraged to establish a Country Core Group comprised of key UHC stakeholders in their countries to help disseminate knowledge at the country-level. Associate members have the opportunity to self-assess their level of engagement to determine if they are eligible for Full Membership status, which entitles the country to additional funded opportunities, listed below.


  • Access to the JLN community.
  • Opportunities to participate in select in-person Facilitated Learning activities based on the availability of space and match of skills. NOTE: Associate Members will usually need to identify their own funding to participate in in-person facilitated learning opportunities.
  • Associate Members will be given preference if and when there are openings for additional countries to join the JLN as a Full Members.