Counting down to 2020 by Looking at Highlights from 2019
‘Tis the season for reviewing the year past and welcoming the decade ahead. The year 2019 has been an important milestone in the global movement for universal health coverage (UHC) and for the JLN. Read on for a short recap of notable global events and our five most popular knowledge products from this past year.
Notable UHC events
Africa Health Agenda International Conference | March 2019
Amref and the Rwandan Ministry of Health convened UHC advocates and leaders from across the continent for a conference on the accomplishments and progress that African countries have made in implementing UHC reforms. Visit the AHAIC 2019 conference website for more information.
Annual Health Financing Forum | April 2019
Over the last four years, the Annual Health Financing Forum has brought together health financing experts to discuss specific challenges that countries face in reforming health financing systems. This year, the JLN partnered with forum hosts–the World Bank Group and US Agency for International Development, in collaboration with the Global Financing Facility–to help shape the agenda’s domestic resource mobilization topics. Visit the forum web-page for more information.
UN Multi-stakeholder Hearing | April 2019
Ahead of the United Nations High-level Meeting on UHC, a multi-stakeholder hearing was held at UN headquarters in New York to engage advocates, organizations, and other stakeholders UHC. Attendees and groups with special accreditation submitted statements on behalf of their constituencies. Visit the UHC2030 website to find a record of statements made or submitted.
UN High-level Meeting on UHC | September 2019
For the first time ever, the UN hosted senior leaders from member states for a focused meeting on UHC. Leaders adopted a UHC political declaration recommitting their countries to implement UHC by 2030. Alongside the meeting, two important publications were launched, the 2019 Global Monitoring Report, and the Global Action Plan.
Read the JLN’s joint statement to the High-level Meeting and visit the UHC2030 website for more information about the event.

Participants in a small group discussion during the 2019 JLN Global Meeting. Photo: Photic Studio
JLN Global Meeting | December 2019
From December 2-7, the Kingdom of Bahrain graciously hosted representatives from more than 30 countries at the 2019 JLN Global Meeting. Over the week, members participated in learning activities, site visits, and conference sessions, and the JLN Steering Group met for their annual in-person meeting. Read more about the 2019 JLN Global Meeting.
UHC Day | December 2019
Since 2012, December 12 has been recognized as international UHC Day, and this year’s UHC Day was a useful opportunity, less than three months after the High-Level Meeting, to reflect on the global UHC Day theme, “Keep the Promise of health for all.” Visit the UHC Day website to see how advocates commemorated the day.
Top five JLN resources of 2019
Our country members set the network’s learning priorities and work together to co-produce solutions to common UHC challenges. Here are the five most popular resources accessed on the JLN’s website this year.
5) Using Data Analytics to Monitor Health Provider Payment Systems
Effectively monitoring a provider payment system is essential to a country’s UHC journey. The Using Data Analytics to Monitor Health Provider Payment Systems toolkit packages expertise to guide users on how to organize a monitoring system that captures ongoing data on whether objectives are being met or not.
4) Measuring the Performance of Primary Health Care
The Measuring the Performance of Primary Health Care toolkit responds to global consensus on the importance of effective primary health care (PHC) to achieve UHC by guiding users through how to measure PHC system performance, how to use data to improve performance, and how to apply a curated series of resources in support.
The Toolkit to Develop and Strengthen Medical Audit Systems was developed from the perspective of a purchaser of healthcare services to provide guidance on setting up medical audit units, conducting investigations, and using the results of the medical audit to identify poor quality of care or fraud.
2) Costing of Health Services for Provider Payment
The Costing of Health Services for Provider Payment manual bridges costing theory and practice by providing step-by-step guidance to address challenges like data constraints, common concerns of public and private providers, inter-institutional collaboration, and more. The manual was co-developed by the JLN’s Costing collaborative and has been one of the network’s most adapted and implemented products.
1) Provider Payment Mechanisms Podcast
A new and different format of product for the JLN, the Provider Payment Mechanisms Podcast series launched in September 2019. Co-produced with experts and implementers from more than 14 countries, this four-episode series explores the who, what, and how of paying for health services to implement UHC.
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