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Our Team

The Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN) is a diverse, global community of practitioners and policymakers dedicated to the vision of health for all.

Our country-led and country-driven approach succeeds as the result of highly engaged members and partners.

Ebrahim Al Nawakhtha

Steering Group Convener; Secretary General, Supreme Council of Health, Bahrain

Vivian Addo-Cobbiah

Former, Deputy Chief Executive, Operations, National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), Ghana

Dinash Aravind

Steering Group Co-Convener Senior Principal Assistant Director, National Health Financing, Planning Division; Ministry of Health, Malaysia

Prof. Ali Ghufron Mukti

President Director of Social Security Administering Body for Health, Indonesia

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Dr. Muluken Argaw

Strategic Affairs Executive Officer at the Ministry of Health Ethiopia

Atty. Eli Dino P. Santos

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of PhilHealth, Philippines

Nguyen Khanh Phuong

Director, Health Strategy & Policy Institute, Ministry of Health, Vietnam

Dr. Samson Kuhora

Head, Benefits Design and Claims Management, at the National Health Insurance Fund, Kenya

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Uzoma Nwankwo

Country Lead, Health Financing, Equity and Investment, Nigeria

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Somil Nagpal

Lead Health Specialist, The World Bank

Dr. Rahul Reddy

Executive Director, Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN), Amref Health Africa

Ethan Wong

Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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Dr. Ejlal AlAlawi

CEO of Primary Care, Primary Care Health Center, Bahrain

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H.E Chan Narith

Secretary General, General Secretariat of National Social Protection Council

Dr. Muluken Argaw

Strategic Affairs Executive Officer, Ministry of Health , Ethiopia

Dr. Anthony Adofo Ofosu

Deputy Director-General, Ghana Health Service

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Dr. Anthony Adofo Ofosu

Deputy Director-General, Ghana Health Service

Pak Ali Ghufron Mukti

President Director, BPJS-K, Indonesia

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Tubagus Achmad Choesni

Head of Social Security Council, DJSN , Indonesia

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Dr. Elizabeth Wangia

Head, Health Financing, MoH Kenya

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Randa Sami Hamadeh

Head of Primary Healthcare, Ministry of Public Health, Lebanon

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George Jacobs

Assistant Minister for Policy and Planning, MoH, Liberia

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Dr Enna Hanafiah

Director of Planning Division , MoH, Malaysia

Adolfo Martinez Valle

Professor, Centro de Investigación en Políticas, Población y Salud, UNAM, Mexico

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Ms. Oyuntsetseg Purev

Head of the Policy and Planning Department, MoH, Mongolia

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Dr. Abdelouhab Belmadani

Director of Planning and Financial Resources, MoH, Morocco

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Dr. Uzoma Nwankwo

Senior Medical Officer I, Federal ministry of Health, Nigeria

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Ms. Mary Jean S. Lim

Project Development Officer IV, International and Local Engagement Department (ILED) PhilHealth, Philippines

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Ms. Oyuntsetseg Purev

Head of the Policy and Planning Department, MoH, Mongolia

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Dr. Abdelouhab Belmadani

Director of Planning and Financial Resources, MoH, Morocco

Phuong Khanh Nguyen

Director, Health Strategy and Policy Institute, Vietnam

Dr. Rahul Reddy

Executive Director, Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN), Amref Health Africa

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Tushar Mokashi

Technical Lead, JLN Amref Health Africa

James Soki

Country Engagement and Technical Initiatives Specialist, JLN Amref Health Africa

Donnelly Mwachi

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Knowledge Management Manager, JLN Amref Health Africa

Jane Nyambura

Program Officer, Support Function, JLN Amref Health Africa

Titus Kisangau

Communications Officer, JLN Amref Health Africa

Magnus Lindelow

Lead Economist, The World Bank

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Naina Ahluwalia

Consultant, The World Bank – focal point

Mahlet Gizaw

Health Specialist, World Bank

Marelize Gorgens

Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, World Bank

Qualis Health USA

Abt Associates

ACCESS Health International

Aceso Global

Ariadne Labs

Center for Global Development

Harmonization for Health in Africa

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

The Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage receives financial and in-kind support from JLN member countries as well as a host of other development partners including: