Four Takeaways from the Primary Health Care Financing and Payment Conference

Learn about the final PHC Financing and Payment Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from April 16-18, 2019.
Learn about the final PHC Financing and Payment Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from April 16-18, 2019.
On March 1-2, 2019, the Efficiency collaborative co-located with the Domestic Resource Mobilization collaborative in Delhi, India. This fourth in-person collaborative meeting focused on two workstreams: systematic priority setting and measurement and information.
The Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM) collaborative co-hosted its recent meeting with the Efficiency Collaborative on February 27-28 in New Delhi, India. This was the third in-person meeting of the DRM collaborative.
In March 2019, the JLN welcomed Cambodia as a new associate member, expanding the network’s total membership to 34 countries.
In March 2019, the JLN Steering Group approved applications from five JLN associate member countries to transition to full membership.