

Mini-Guide: Fundamentals of Harnessing Private Capital for Universal Health Coverage

September 13, 2022

This MiniGuide was produced by the Joint Learning Network on Universal Health Coverage’s Virtual Learning Exchange on the Private Sector, which took place between March and June 2022. It distills the key lessons, frameworks and case studies that were coproduced during the course of the learning exchange. The primary aim is to build a foundational understanding among public officials as to the key concepts around harnessing private investment to achieve government’s UHC agenda. The miniguide addresses the following key questions:

  • Why should governments pursuing universal health coverage care about private investment?
  • What is private healthcare investment and who controls it?
  • Why doesn’t private investment align with governments’ visions for UHC?
  • What levers can governments use to harness and direct private investment?
  • How did one country (Republic of Georgia) manage to harness private investment as part of its healthcare reform story?


A separate miniguide ‘Fundamentals of Contract Management of Private Sector Healthcare Providers’ was also produced from the work of the ‘Contract Management’ workstream of this learning exchange.