
Institutional Coordination Between Health and Non-health Agencies on Population Targeting

February 13, 2022

Data Linkage Between Health and Non-health Agencies for Population Targeting

Narrative Summaries on Public Expenditure for Health

December 6, 2021

The DRM collaborative created narrative summaries to help Ministry of Health policymakers effectively analyze and present evidence-based arguments for investment in health to their Ministry of Finance counterparts using their own budget data and supplemented with global resources. The concise analyses explore how trends in data are related to within-country policy dialogue and/or health financing reforms. Each narrative summary shares a country experience and demonstrates how countries can use historical evidence for policy dialogue. Paired with any of the additional DRM collaborative products such as the Making the Case for Health: A Messaging Guide for Domestic Resource Mobilization or other Policy Dialogue Toolkit resources (accessible to myJLN users), narrative summaries can be used by policymakers in Ministries of Health to engage in policy dialogue with their counterparts in their respective Ministries of Finance. Several DRM collaborative member countries (and also some non-member countries using DRM collaborative knowledge products) are in the process of compiling their historical budgetary data and putting it together as a narrative summary in a standardized format. Narrative summaries will be available here for download as and when completed and made available by countries. Co-produced by country members and the World Bank technical team, narrative summaries are useful for policymakers who are seeking to identify and understand historical health financing trends in their country budgetary data. Country members interested in developing a narrative summary for their country are requested to contact [email protected]. Narrative Summary on Public Expenditure for Health in Armenia Narrative Summary on Public Expenditure for Health: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Budgetary Spending in Bangladesh Narrative Summary on Public Expenditure for Health in Cambodia Narrative Summary on Public Expenditure for Health: Central Government Budgetary Spending in Indonesia Narrative Summary on Public Expenditure for Health in Laos Narrative Summary on Public Expenditure for Health in Nepal Narrative Summary on Public Expenditure for Health in Pakistan Narrative Summary on Public Expenditure for Health in Vietnam Narrative Summary on Public Expenditure for Health in Ghana

Cover slide of Ghana's NHIS requirements document

Requirements for National Health Insurance Information Systems

November 12, 2021

This document provides an introduction to the development and use of system requirements, that countries can use as a starting point to define, design, and implement information systems to support health insurance programs.

Medical Audits in India

September 8, 2021

India drew on its participation in the JLN’s Medical Audits Collaborative and adaptation of the Medical Audit Toolkit to implement a medical audit system that could be decentralized and scaled by India’s states to review claims, identify fraud, and ensure the quality of health services being provided to patients.