
Mini-Guide: Fundamentals of Harnessing Private Capital for Universal Health Coverage

September 13, 2022

This Mini-Guide was produced by the Joint Learning Network on Universal Health Coverage’s Virtual Learning Exchange on the Private Sector, which took place between March and June 2022. It distills the key lessons, frameworks and case studies that were co-produced during the course of the learning exchange. The primary aim is to build a foundational understanding among public officials as to the key concepts around harnessing private investment to achieve government’s UHC agenda. The mini-guide addresses the following key questions:

Report: Patient Pathways and Pandemics: COVID-19 and Beyond Learning Exchange

April 29, 2022

The Community of Practice (COP) supporting Malaysia’s improvement and expansion of telemedicine for primary health care (PHC), referred to as e–Consultations, represents a potential model for future implementation–oriented JLN engagements. The Malaysia team, with the support and accompaniment of country participants (CPs) and technical facilitation teams (TFTs), successfully implemented key activities along three technical thematic areas despite of the limitations they faced in the midst of an ongoing globalpandemic with unpredictable surges. The duration of the COP was 11 months, from February 2021 to January 2022. The main features of the joint–learning model consisted of: the selection of an implementer country (Malaysia); adoption of an advisory and coaching–based learning approach in which TFTs and CPs assisted the Malaysian teams understand and solve practical issues related to implementation; use of regular but short virtual COP meetings; division of activities and outputs into “implementation planning” and “implementation accompaniment” phases; quantitative measurement of results, and development of a user–friendly e–library of relevant knowledge resources. Based on the technical results, several insightful policy implications came to the fore that can inform future e–Consultation scale–up and improvement efforts in Malaysia and globally. A number of lessons emerged from COP experience than can guide the design of future JLN implementation–oriented engagements.

Coordinating the National Pandemic Response: Three Country Case Studies

March 30, 2022

These country case studies outline the key lessons learned and recommended actions for multi-sectoral teams brought forth by pandemic response leaders in three low-and-middle-income countries. Experts from the countries identified lessons and actions to further reduce COVID-19 transmission in their countries and enhance future pandemic resiliency.

National Coordination of Pandemic Response Collaborative: Synthesis of Shared Learning

March 29, 2022

This brief synthesizes relevant evidence, participant country experiences, and lessons learned on national responses to the COVID-19 pandemic to highlight efficient and effective approaches that may be applied for health systems resiliency and improved pandemic preparedness.

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JLN Knowledge Products: Produced by Countries, for Countries

March 20, 2022

The JLN and its members have helped to fill this gap by documenting their experiences and lessons learned to help countries reach their UHC goals. Since 2010, the JLN’s members have published more than 30 knowledge products on topics critical to UHC, including service delivery, health financing and provider payment, data and information systems, and quality of care.
This file provides a semi-comprehensive list of the JLN’s knowledge products, summaries thereof, and author countries.