
Thumbnail for the Provider Payment Mechanisms Podcast explaining the who, what, and how of paying for health services for universal health coverage

Provider Payment Mechanisms Podcast

September 26, 2019

A four-part podcast series that introduces listeners to the insights and experiences of global experts who are leading provider payment systems reform around the world.

Cover of Financing and Payment Models for Primary Health Care

Financing and Payment Models for Primary Health Care: Six Lessons from JLN Country Experience

December 22, 2017

In most countries, primary health care (PHC) providers are the first point of contact that most people have with the larger health care system. Primary health care is accessed the most by patients and can have the greatest impact on health outcomes compared with other parts of the system. However, many countries find it challenging to improve their PHC systems. Financing and payment models for PHC can be important tools for strengthening primary care and addressing issues of access, quality, and equity in health care. Since January 2016, the JLN Provider Payment Mechanisms (PPM) technical initiative has convened a collaborative learning exchange on primary health care financing and payment. Through the exchange, policymakers and practitioners from 15 JLN member countries and three resource countries have shared their experience and reached consensus on a set of early lessons that can be adapted and used by other countries to guide implementation of effective PHC financing and payment models. This paper presents six important early lessons emerging from the collaborative learning exchange that can be adapted and applied by other countries that face similar challenges or are embarking on PHC reform efforts. The paper also identifies helpful resources with guidance that countries can adapt to their own contexts. The production of this paper was funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) through the Global Alliances for Social Protection program, along with grants to the JLN Provider Payment Mechanisms technical initiative from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Cover of the Costing Workshop Training of Trainers Curriculum

Costing Train the Trainer Course Materials

February 4, 2016

This folder contains all of the course materials required to organize a 5 day workshop on costing, including quizzes, homework and exercises.

Cover of the Assessing Health Provider Payment Systems analytical workbook

Assessing Health Provider Payment Systems: Analytical Team Workbook

December 8, 2015

This workbook is a companion to the Assessing Health Provider Payment Systems practical guide.

Cover of Assessing Health Provider Payment Systems

Assessing Health Provider Payment Systems: A Practical Guide for Countries Moving toward UHC

December 3, 2015

Step-by-step guide designed to help countries find answers to their provider payment policy questions through a country-led participatory process that draws on real world, practitioner experiences with designing, implementing and managing the consequences of payment systems design.