
Costing of Health Services for Provider Payment in Kenya

January 29, 2021

Kenya’s use of the Costing of Health Services for Provider Payment toolkit produced findings that were used to change county-level reimbursement models to lower costs, increase efficiency and improve financial sustainabilty. This case study profiles the use of Costing of Health Services for Provider Payment in Kenya. In Makueni County, the government has the mandate to organize and implement health programs for their constituents. As part of Makueni County’s Vision 2025, leaders established “MakueniCare,” to provide an affordable health insurance scheme for households. Unfortunately, despite the new insurance scheme, out-of-pocket expenses remained high for many people, sometimes catastrophically high, and posed a significant barrier to accessing health services. Like many local health systems, Makueni County was under pressure to contain costs while also improving the quality of health services. To help inform decision-making, the JLN Country Core Group worked with members in the Makueni County Department of Health to adapt and implement the JLN knowledge product called the Costing of Health Services for Provider Payment: A Practical Manual in the county to better understand what factors were driving high costs and how to improve the fee-for-service model being used.

Thumbnail image of the cover of "On Prioritizing Health"

On Prioritizing Health: A Background Analysis

October 26, 2020

This resource shares the results of a global review of country efforts to prioritize public spending in the health sector, intended as background reading material developed during the course of the JLN’s Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM) collaborative. On Prioritizing Health: A Background Analysis includes a global review of health share of public spending across 20 low, middle, and high-income countries, to identify successful cases of reprioritization. Subsequent efforts based on this analysis can focus on a deep dive for a sub-set of countries that have sustained recent reprioritization efforts toward health. Health is often seen as an unproductive sector, which can make it challenging for Ministries of Health to make the case for greater investment. By gathering insights into successful reprioritization efforts, countries and policymakers can better understand how successful efforts have overcome common bottlenecks.

Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation Benchmarking Tool and Database Overview and Country Summary

August 28, 2020

This is an overview and summary of the Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Benchmarking Tool administered to 10 countries in 2019, namely Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nigeria, Philippines, and Vietnam. Access related resources using these links: Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Database Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Benchmarking Tool Blank Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Visualization Tool Blank Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Questionnaire

Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation Benchmarking Tool

This is the Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation Benchmarking Tool. This tool includes both a questionnaire and visualization that can be used to create a HePRA Database for your country. Access related resources using these links: Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Benchmarking Tool and Database Overview and Country Summary Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Database Blank Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Visualization Tool Blank Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Questionnaire

Thumbnail of a visualization in the HePRA database

Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation Database

This excel database compiles results from the Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Benchmarking Tool being administered to 10 countries in 2019, namely Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nigeria, Philippines, and Vietnam. Access related resources using these links: Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Benchmarking Tool and Database Overview and Country Summary Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Benchmarking Tool Blank Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Visualization Tool Blank Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Questionnaire