JLN Knowledge Products: Produced by Countries, for Countries
This KP brochure presents a list and brief of the JLN Knowledge products produced by countries for countries.
This KP brochure presents a list and brief of the JLN Knowledge products produced by countries for countries.
This learning brief presents key learnings from a review of the literature to identify examples of successful MOH efforts that have led to increased health budget execution, learning exchange meetings, and country-specific TA support.
This paper highlights the process for developing this learning community and some of the key learnings on how to successfully implement PCNs. Furthermore, it provides key recommendations for country policymakers, practitioners, and development partners based on lessons from the PHCPI COP.
The JLN Guide for Health Benefits Package Revision aims to support practitioners in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to revise their HBPs, while responding to changing disease burdens, fluctuating budgets, and the emergence of new services and health technologies, and to correct for implementation challenges.
Across the globe, decision makers at all levels of the health care system agree that patients should be given rapid access to innovative medicines that target life-threatening diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, and hepatitis C. Governments face increasing amounts of pressure to introduce new technologies because of shifting and evolving health challenges. The goal of this Practitioner’s Guide is to provide countries new to MEAs with an insider perspective. It is hoped that the contents of this Guide will lift the veil on the nature of these negotiations and equip countries with the strategies and know-how they need, to successfully negotiate similar agreements.