
Mini-Guide: Fundamentals of Contract Management of Private Sector Healthcare Providers

September 13, 2022

This Mini-Guide was produced by the Joint Learning Network on Universal Health Coverage’s Virtual Learning Exchange on the Private Sector. It distills the key lessons, frameworks, and case study that were co-produced during the course of the ‘Contract Management’ workstream of the learning exchange. The primary aim of this mini-guide is to build a foundational understanding among public payers and governments about how to monitor, manage, and enforce contracts for subsidized healthcare services with private healthcare providers.

Mini-Guide: Fundamentals of Harnessing Private Capital for Universal Health Coverage

This Mini-Guide was produced by the Joint Learning Network on Universal Health Coverage’s Virtual Learning Exchange on the Private Sector, which took place between March and June 2022. It distills the key lessons, frameworks and case studies that were co-produced during the course of the learning exchange. The primary aim is to build a foundational understanding among public officials as to the key concepts around harnessing private investment to achieve government’s UHC agenda. The mini-guide addresses the following key questions:

Institutional Coordination Between Health and Non-health Agencies on Population Targeting

February 13, 2022

Data Linkage Between Health and Non-health Agencies for Population Targeting

Cover slide of Ghana's NHIS requirements document

Requirements for National Health Insurance Information Systems

November 12, 2021

This document provides an introduction to the development and use of system requirements, that countries can use as a starting point to define, design, and implement information systems to support health insurance programs.