
Cover of Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage Planning Tool

Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage: Planning Tool

June 13, 2018

The Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage Practical Guide and Planning Tool equips UHC and health policy champions and implementers with actionable guidance on how to develop a comprehensive strategic communication plan tailored to different stakeholder groups to achieve a specific UHC objective. Realizing UHC requires deliberate, tailored communication strategies that increase engagement and knowledge, and create support for change among a diverse group of stakeholders – including political leaders, health care purchasers, providers, patients, suppliers and civil society groups. Each stakeholder group demands a different set of messaging, information, and modes of communication, whether it be to raise awareness or secure a consensus on a decision that can drive the UHC agenda forward. This guide was produced by the Health Finance and Governance (HFG) Project, with funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with the Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage.

Cover of Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage Practical Guide

Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage: Practical Guide

June 11, 2018

The Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage Practical Guide and Planning Tool equips UHC and health policy champions and implementers with actionable guidance on how to develop a comprehensive strategic communication plan tailored to different stakeholder groups to achieve a specific UHC objective. Realizing UHC requires deliberate, tailored communication strategies that increase engagement and knowledge, and create support for change among a diverse group of stakeholders – including political leaders, health care purchasers, providers, patients, suppliers and civil society groups. Each stakeholder group demands a different set of messaging, information, and modes of communication, whether it be to raise awareness or secure a consensus on a decision that can drive the UHC agenda forward. This guide was produced by the Health Finance and Governance (HFG) Project, with funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with the Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage. Download the Practical Guide below and click here for the accompanying Planning Tool.

Cover of the Medical Audit Systems Toolkit

Toolkit to Develop and Strengthen Medical Audit Systems

November 8, 2017

This toolkit was created to address gaps in practical knowledge by providing guidance on setting up medical audit units, a step-by-step review of claims to identify providers prone to fraud or poor quality of care, conduct investigations, and use the results of the medical audit.

Cover tab of the PHC Indicator Inventory

Primary Health Care Measurement for Improvement Indicator Inventory

May 31, 2017

The Primary Health Care (PHC) Measurement for Improvement Collaborative was launched in partnership with the Primary Health Care Performance Initiative (PHCPI) in April 2016, with the goal of developing practical tools and approaches to improve country-level measurement of PHC performance, address priority measurement gaps, and develop strategies for better utilization of measurement to drive improvements in the PHC system. To this end, the group has developed a PHC indicator inventory, intended to serve as a menu of measures currently utilized by countries, inclusive of routine systems and national surveys and complemented by globally recognized indicators, to allow countries to review indicators, identify gaps, then learn from example indicators other countries are using to measure PHC performance. The inventory is organized according to PHCPI’s Conceptual Framework for PHC, which outlines the key inputs, service delivery processes, and goals of an effective PHC system. In addition to the inventory itself, users will find an instruction manual and collection template. The inventory is intended to be a “living” tool that will be regularly updated with additional country indicators and as the global indicator sets evolve. Individuals interested in submitting indicators from their country may complete the collection template and email it to Allyson English at [email protected] with their name, title, and organization. Strong PHC depends on data that are routinely available and comparable within and across countries. This tool is a critical first step to increasing the availability of data in important areas of PHC delivery.

Cover of Using Data Analytics to Monitor Health Provider Payment Systems

Data Analytics for Monitoring Provider Payment Toolkit

October 28, 2016

A carefully developed provider payment system can be a powerful instrument for making progress toward universal health coverage.