
Cover of Engaging the Private Sector in Primary Health Care to Achieve Universal Health Coverage

Engaging the Private Sector in PHC to Achieve UHC: Advice from Implementers to Implementers

June 29, 2016

What is it? Advice from Implementers to Implementers is a practical manual that contains step-by-step guidance along with real-world examples and case studies to help facilitate public-private sector engagement around primary health care (PHC).   The first two modules of the Manual provide practical guidance on Initial Communications and Partnership Around PHC and Provider Mapping. Future […]

Cover of the Costing Workshop Training of Trainers Curriculum

Costing Train the Trainer Course Materials

February 4, 2016

This folder contains all of the course materials required to organize a 5 day workshop on costing, including quizzes, homework and exercises.

Cover of the Assessing Health Provider Payment Systems analytical workbook

Assessing Health Provider Payment Systems: Analytical Team Workbook

December 8, 2015

This workbook is a companion to the Assessing Health Provider Payment Systems practical guide.

Cover of Assessing Health Provider Payment Systems

Assessing Health Provider Payment Systems: A Practical Guide for Countries Moving toward UHC

December 3, 2015

Step-by-step guide designed to help countries find answers to their provider payment policy questions through a country-led participatory process that draws on real world, practitioner experiences with designing, implementing and managing the consequences of payment systems design.

Cover of UHC Primary Health Care Self-Assessment Tool

UHC Primary Health Care Self-Assessment Tool

October 13, 2015

The tool, referred to as the “UHC-PHC Self-Assessment Tool,” is a multi-stakeholder survey that helps accomplish the following: Document and assess how health insurance or financial coverage institutions interact with other PHC actors and programs; Identify key areas of improvement and opportunities to align the health financing agency (HFA) or other health financing policymakers with […]