
Cover of Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage Planning Tool

Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage: Planning Tool

June 13, 2018

The Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage Practical Guide and Planning Tool equips UHC and health policy champions and implementers with actionable guidance on how to develop a comprehensive strategic communication plan tailored to different stakeholder groups to achieve a specific UHC objective. Realizing UHC requires deliberate, tailored communication strategies that increase engagement and knowledge, and create support for change among a diverse group of stakeholders – including political leaders, health care purchasers, providers, patients, suppliers and civil society groups. Each stakeholder group demands a different set of messaging, information, and modes of communication, whether it be to raise awareness or secure a consensus on a decision that can drive the UHC agenda forward. This guide was produced by the Health Finance and Governance (HFG) Project, with funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with the Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage.

Cover of Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage Practical Guide

Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage: Practical Guide

June 11, 2018

The Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage Practical Guide and Planning Tool equips UHC and health policy champions and implementers with actionable guidance on how to develop a comprehensive strategic communication plan tailored to different stakeholder groups to achieve a specific UHC objective. Realizing UHC requires deliberate, tailored communication strategies that increase engagement and knowledge, and create support for change among a diverse group of stakeholders – including political leaders, health care purchasers, providers, patients, suppliers and civil society groups. Each stakeholder group demands a different set of messaging, information, and modes of communication, whether it be to raise awareness or secure a consensus on a decision that can drive the UHC agenda forward. This guide was produced by the Health Finance and Governance (HFG) Project, with funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with the Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage. Download the Practical Guide below and click here for the accompanying Planning Tool.

Cover of Financing and Payment Models for Primary Health Care

Financing and Payment Models for Primary Health Care: Six Lessons from JLN Country Experience

December 22, 2017

In most countries, primary health care (PHC) providers are the first point of contact that most people have with the larger health care system. Primary health care is accessed the most by patients and can have the greatest impact on health outcomes compared with other parts of the system. However, many countries find it challenging to improve their PHC systems. Financing and payment models for PHC can be important tools for strengthening primary care and addressing issues of access, quality, and equity in health care. Since January 2016, the JLN Provider Payment Mechanisms (PPM) technical initiative has convened a collaborative learning exchange on primary health care financing and payment. Through the exchange, policymakers and practitioners from 15 JLN member countries and three resource countries have shared their experience and reached consensus on a set of early lessons that can be adapted and used by other countries to guide implementation of effective PHC financing and payment models. This paper presents six important early lessons emerging from the collaborative learning exchange that can be adapted and applied by other countries that face similar challenges or are embarking on PHC reform efforts. The paper also identifies helpful resources with guidance that countries can adapt to their own contexts. The production of this paper was funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) through the Global Alliances for Social Protection program, along with grants to the JLN Provider Payment Mechanisms technical initiative from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Cover of the Medical Audit Systems Toolkit

Toolkit to Develop and Strengthen Medical Audit Systems

November 8, 2017

This toolkit was created to address gaps in practical knowledge by providing guidance on setting up medical audit units, a step-by-step review of claims to identify providers prone to fraud or poor quality of care, conduct investigations, and use the results of the medical audit.

Thumbnail of the Costing Manual emodule

eModule: Costing of Health Services for Provider Payment Manual

October 10, 2017

A digital companion course to the JLN Costing of Health Services for Provider Payment manual.