
Thumbnail of page one of the HePRA PDF Tool

Blank HePRA Visualization Tool

August 28, 2020

Once you have filled out the Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Questionnaire for your country, this interactive PDF allows users to assign benchmarks to create a visual for a country’s existing health priority setting and resource allocation scores. Don’t have an upgraded PDF reader that allows for interaction? Use this link to PDF Escape to interact with the visualization tool. Access related resources using these links: Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Benchmarking Tool and Database Overview and Country Summary Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Database Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Benchmarking Tool Blank Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Questionnaire

Thumbnail of the first page of the blank HePRA tool

Blank HePRA Questionnaire

This blank questionnaire can be used by you to gather responses on priority setting and resource allocation practices in your country. The Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) visualization can then be used to create a visual of your country’s health priority setting and resource allocation benchmarks. Access related resources using these links: Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Benchmarking Tool and Database Overview and Country Summary Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Database Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Benchmarking Tool Blank Health Priority Setting and Resource Allocation (HePRA) Visualization Tool

Cover of Health Priority Setting: A Practitioner's Handbook

Health Priority Setting: A Practitioner’s Handbook

February 27, 2020

Regardless of their country’s income level, decision-makers are forced to choose where and how best to spend their health budgets. Health Priority Setting: A Practitioner’s Handbook provides practical guidance for low-and middle-income countries on how to use data and evidence when allocating resources in the health sector to help achieve their health priorities. Co-produced by the JLN’s Efficiency collaborative, this handbook packages the experiences and expertise from 11 JLN member countries, including Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nigeria, the Philippines, and Vietnam.

Cover of Measuring Health System Efficiency in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Resource Guide for Measuring Health System Efficiency in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

As more countries aim to implement universal health coverage (UHC), leaders will face challenging decisions from scarce resources. In addition to increasing health sector allocations, improving health system efficiency will be critical to their journeys to achieve UHC. Measuring Health System Efficiency in Low- and Middle-income Countries: A Resource Guide introduces the concepts and principles of efficiency, and provides a framework for identifying and measuring health system efficiency in a practical way. Co-produced by the JLN’s Efficiency collaborative, this guide packages the experiences and expertise from nine JLN member countries, including Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nigeria, the Philippines, and Vietnam. The resource guide also benefited from country pilots in Kenya and Malaysia.