Person-Centered Integrated Care in Mongolia
Mongolia’s use of the Empanelment Assessment Tool enabled a shift to a person-centered approach for PHC. Linking empanelment to a mobile technology initiative providing team-based PHC home visits has contributed to a national empanelment approach and shifts in health care seeking behavior. This case study profiles the use of the Empanelment Assessment Tool in Mongolia. Mongolia decided to implement person-centered integrated care (PCIC) best practices to improve health services and outcomes among underserved populations who faced geographic barriers to PHC because they live in extremely remote and rural provinces. They did this by building PCIC best practices into another project they were scaling up at the same time, a mobile health pilot project focused on home visits. Mongolia integrated two pillars of PCIC into the mobile health project: a multi-disciplinary approach to the home care visits and the rostering of all co-habitants. These new approaches, after participating in the JLN’s PCIC collaborative, helped the Mongolian Ministry of Health connect more members of nomadic or geographically dispersed populations to PHC providers, an important step toward universal health coverage.