
Cover of Using Health Data to Improve Universal Health Coverage companion guide

Using Health Data to Improve Universal Health Coverage: A Companion Guide for Assessing Data Use Maturity

November 17, 2019

This guide is a companion to the Using Health Data to Improve Universal Health Coverage case studies published in December 2018 and serves as a starting point for countries to assess their data use maturity, identify areas of possible improvement, and apply lessons from the case studies to their context.

Thumbnail for the Provider Payment Mechanisms Podcast explaining the who, what, and how of paying for health services for universal health coverage

Provider Payment Mechanisms Podcast

September 26, 2019

A four-part podcast series that introduces listeners to the insights and experiences of global experts who are leading provider payment systems reform around the world.

Front cover of the empanelment overview document, a large magnifying glass with human icons inside of it and the title "Empanelment: a Foundational Component of Primary Health Care"

Empanelment: A Foundational Component of Primary Health Care

July 19, 2019

This overview introduces what empanelment is, how to do it effectively, and why it delivers benefits to countries on the road to universal health coverage.

Cover of the Using Health Data to Improve Universal Health Coverage case studies

Using Health Data Case Studies

December 10, 2018

Three case studies examining the use of data for chronic disease management, financial management, and claims data utilization to improve universal health coverage.

Cover of the Vertical Integration Diagnostic and Readiness Tool

Vertical Integration Diagnostic and Readiness Tool

November 15, 2018

The Vertical Integration Diagnostic and Readiness Tool can help leaders in low and middle-income countries to successfully assess and implement vertical integration policies, programs, and pilots by guiding them through reviews of the overall policies, regulatory and institutional environments, the readiness of organizations to launch vertical integration initiatives; and to assess vertical integration practices across the different tiers of a country’s health system.